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There is no excuse for a "spray and pray" approach to marketing any more. We are becoming increasingly frustrated with a one fits all approach especially when our digital footprin...
Today it is hard to be a smart marketer. The landscape is so board when communicating with customers and it is easy to be ignored. To be more effective it is necessary to be relevant and persona...
If you don't know where you are going, you might just get there I am planning the launch of my new website in March and so am going through the same planning process I do with my clie...
In Phil Fernandez's book Revenue Disruption and CEO of Marketo, Phil espouses with abundant product information available onlinesuch as customer reviews, peer evaluations, independent a...
How to create a compelling value proposition is something that every small business needs to consider. It is something that all staff should be able to repeat, the salesforce uses in pitches and...
I have just finished reading the book Connect the Experience. This book tracts the maturity level of a company based on a customer centric approach. What I really love about this book is that it...
Building this culture, this underlying feeling, buzz, atmosphere, that is so hard to replicate, is integral to building your brand and attracting your ideal customers. Building your small business ...
Last year I spent 3 months travelling around Australia working with medium sized business CEOs. They have identified that they need to invest in their marketing strategy because their current sales...
No doubt you are like most businesses and furiously creating content to build a connection and earn your prospects and customers attention. 90% of all businesses realise that there is value in m...
Marketing your business can be really easy. You just need to be helpful. I always thought there was no real skill in being helpful, but maybe being able to think about what your customers w...
One of the commitments I make each month is to read a marketing or business novel. There are hepas of them on the web now that you can read online or listen two via Audible. Here are my list...
How many of us have the stock standard email signature because we can't get a html one to work? Well Hubspot have come up with a great signature tool that you can use to create your very own si...
Customers expectations have changed.  You are not just competing with your closest competitors anymore, you are competing with your customers total journey throughout their day. Every exper...
I was on the plane last week and was reading a great article by Lillian Tong called The UX factor. The article was in the Virgin Inflight Magazine but the basic concept was about the way custome...
A key test that any small business can do to check whether their website passes the 8 second mircowave test (how long a visitor views your site) is to follow these tips: 1. Is it clear to a ...

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