One size content does not fit all with content
With so much competition one of the most important marketing strategies is to segment your audience and create compelling content for each of your target markets. This is really time consuming and sometimes hard to execute, especially without the right tools in place.
So how does a small business create personalised content. Here are my top 5 hacks.
1. Create personna's - by understand and creating a couple of key personna's that buy for you and really understanding their needs and issues you have the starting point for creating personalised content.
2. Forms - in your forms on your site, for ordering try and segment your audience as much as you can. This will assist you tailor information and make it more useful and relevant.
3. Plan out on a mindmap the sorts of problems each target market has and try and address these in blogs, website copy, social media etc.
4. Go where they are. If your audience is on snapchat then that is where you need a profile. If they are on LinkedIn then the same applies. You don't need to be everywhere but you do need to be where they are. If you are stretched to far then only concentrate on one persona.
5. Create one really useful piece of content. If you really want to be engaged with your customers create one piece of really good content just for them. It might be a download on key questions to ask, a e-book on helpful tips or a series of relevant tools or case stduies. Not only will this build credibility with your audience but it will help you build a list to communicate with them proactively.
Tags:Customer Centric MarketingCustomer InsightContent MarketingMarketing StrategyBrand StrategyMarketing SegmentationSocial Media MarketingMarketing Education |
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