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Focus on your best customers

Posted by Danielle MacInnis on 25 January 2019
Focus on your best customers

While the term "customer centricity" has been interpreted in many ways, at its core, it's the idea that businesses provide customers with an exceptional journey. This, in turn, increases customer loyalty and retention and catalyzes profitable growth.

Often, most businesses are surprised to find out that more than half of their revenue comes from as little as 5% of their customers,.You can't make bad customers good. It takes a lot of effort to make average customers great. But you can focus on great customers and say, 'Let's make sure that you have a great experience.'"

When a business devotes attention to its best customers, not only does it have fewer people to service, it can home in on how to best serve them and it's easier to find more people like them.

Here are three things you can do to make your customer's experience great.

1. You need to know who they are and what they like

You need to find out who your best customers are by profiling an ideal customer and what they look like. To really understand them you need to ask open questions to find out exactly what success looks like to them

  • What outcome would delight you?
  • How can we make your life easier?
  • What does success on this project look like for you?

2. You need to identify their biggest pain point and solve that.

Instead of ramming down features or benefits you can add, it is all about identifying issues that your client has and solving those. Customer experience is using the business to solve customer problems, rather than using customers to solve their business problems. For many B2b clients pain points are time, budget and outcome driven.

3. Be one step ahead

To anticipate a customer and solve problems before they become big issues can add huge value to a customer. This requires an in depth knowledge of the customer's issues and being able to forecast ahead of time solutions.

Are you customer centric? Take our quiz.


Danielle MacInnisAuthor:Danielle MacInnis
About: Dan is a customer centric marketer and the owner of MacInnis Marketing a company that creates sales and marketing systems to attract customers and employees to companies that they love.
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Tags:Customer Centric MarketingCustomer Insight

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