Whole Medicine (use to be Peninsula Holistic General Practice) has undergone a total transformation. Owner Dr. Michelle Woolhouse had a vision of creating a practice that balanced traditional medicine with a holistic approach to wellness. We have been working with Michelle to transform her website, messaging and some of her key marketing assets.
With a service-based business, it is often necessary to show the "How" you do it rather than just the "what" you do. Services are invisible until you experience them. We worked with a copywriter and designer to step out this process and make it more real for patients.
Working with Dr. Woolhouse we have created a more customer-centric process, website, and some real customer assets. Whole Medicine never had issue attracting patients but now they attract the right patients. We profiled the ideal customer and exactly who wasn't a good fit so we could refine those patients the clinic could best serve. As a result, the environment for the doctors is less stressful and more manageable.
"Dan is so professional, you know where you are at with her, she is generous and hard working. She also knows her boundaries, i.e. what she can't do, so she doesn't waste your time on that."
Dr. Michelle Woolhouse, Dr, and General Manager, Whole Medicine.